At the WARM Place, we have the honor of providing grief support groups for young adults ages 19-25 who have experienced the death of a loved one. This group meets for 8 weeks each spring and fall and 6 weeks during the summer. Young adults come together to share their stories, listen, support and encourage one another in an emotionally safe and confidential setting.
At the end of each session, young adults provide feedback regarding their experiences in the group. One of their favorite activities each session is creating masks. Young Adults draw or paint the outside of their masks to show the image they try to portray to others, how they are labeled by others, and what people typically know about them or think they know about them. On the inside, young adults draw or paint what their personalities are really like, how they act when they are most comfortable, and their innermost interests, dreams and feeling. Creating Paper Mache masks in our support groups is one way for young adults to reflect on their personal experiences of grief. As one young adult expressed, “I think the mask session helped me the best. It really helped me to get to a deeper level with my group.”
If you are interested or know of someone who might be interested in attending our young adult group starting January 19th, please contact Teresa Bartnicki at 817-870-2272, ext. 25 or teresa@thewarmplace.org.
– Teresa Bartnicki, Counselor