A WARM Place child shares a memory they miss about their dad.

Choose a Hero

It’s hard to ignore Father’s Day coming up on June 16th. Fathers everywhere will be celebrating their day and honored for their special role.

But, how do we celebrate without fathers? You yearn to share the day and to celebrate, but instead you must carry on without him. You remember fathers, step-fathers, grandfathers, or other father figures gone too soon. This holiday can bring mixed emotions for those whose father has died or for fathers whose child has died.

A WARM Place child shares a memory they miss about their dad.

Grief can undoubtedly change how we feel about a holiday. How we approach a day like Father’s Day is as individual as grief and the relationship with the loved one who died. We think sometimes at holidays it may be best to ignore our sadness. However, by connecting with someone we can honor, we do not have to ignore sadness that we may feel or the memories we hold dear.

“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lit the flame within us.” – Albert Schweizer

This year, on this Father’s Day, we encourage you to try a new approach…Choose a Hero!

In addition to our heroes who are fathers, there are those people who have poured themselves into your life — those who love, challenge, and equip you and your family. They those who are “standing in the gap.”

We can use this holiday to honor and remember relationships we have had with heroes in our lives! People important to us, whether young, old, close or far, male or female, living or deceased, can all be considered heroes. We can choose to celebrate or reflect on those figures who have touched us in such a way that has impacted our lives and made an indelible mark. Individuals who care, support, advocate, and contribute to our lives deserve our gratitude. Heroes teach us the value of giving your word and meaning it. They model love, loyalty, family, and standing up for what you believe in. Our everyday hero expresses acts of kindness and love, sacrifices for the greater good, and shows compassion and empathy.

Maybe your hero has passed from this life. What will you do to connect with the memory of that person today even after their death? Sadness and joy can be a part of the same memory.

Maybe your hero is right by your side. Can you identify people who have played such a role in your life? Choose to focus on those figures. How can you convey your sentiments and honor your heroes this Father’s Day?

Happy Father’s Day to all the great people out there that teach, love, sacrifice, and show up, but stand in the shadows. You are our true Heroes.

The WARM Place staff share their heroes:

My heroes are my big sisters because they make me feel safe and secure. They always lend a hand and are there when I need them. They are selfless and loving and the strongest women I know. I guess ultimately, they are a product of my mom and dad, which makes them my heroes too!”

– Shelley Spikes


“My hero is my mom because she taught at a young age to always follow your dreams and advocate for yourself. She is the reason I am who I am today.”

– Jade Wentz


“My grandfather is my hero because of his wisdom, strength, provision, and love that he gives to our family daily. He is and always be a role-model to me!”

– Brooke Bailey


“My hero is my Dad, not only a decorated WWII and Korea Veteran, but a man who would give you the shirt off his back and truly loved his family unconditionally!”

– Gina Brown


“My hero is my Papa!  He was the patriarch of our family, loving son, helpful brother, caring father, fun uncle, doting grandfather, and faithful friend. He served honorably in WWII, in his church, and community. He will forever be remembered as the man who could fix anything, make you laugh, and loved his family fiercely.”

-Dana Minor

Gina Brown M.S., LPC

Gina Brown M.S., LPC

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