
Facilitators FALLing into Action

img_5165September was a very busy month here at The WARM Place- and one of the things that kept us so very busy was our last Facilitator training of 2016. We had a whopping 25 trainees come through this session, and are excited this week as they all begin their journeys as grief companions for the children and families attending groups at The WARM Place.

During training, we learned about everything from the stages of grief, how different ages process and handle emotions, child abuse awareness and prevention, to how we process our own grief and ensure that the time spent here at TWP focuses on the child’s feelings, not the facilitators.

We are thrilled to welcome these lovely new people to our family, and hope that when you see a new person wearing a facilitator name tag that you will stop and introduce yourself to them.

If this sounds like something that would be fulfilling to you or someone you know, please mark your calendars for our next Volunteer Facilitator training coming up in spring of 2017 and find our volunteer application here.

Spring Volunteer Facilitator Training 2017

March 28, 2017;   7:00 – 9:30 pm

April 1, 2017;   9:00 am – 2:00 pm

April 4, 2017;   7:00 – 9:30 pm

April 8, 2017;   9:00 am – 2:00 pm

April 15, 2017;   9:00 am – 2:00 pm

Contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Natalie Chapa for more information: or 817-870-2272  ext. 24



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